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Random Thoughts

Practice: On Showing Up

January 30, 2022


This was originally published on my hashnode blog

I have been applying to jobs lately (one here on hashnode) and there is always that opportunity for you to fill in the 'portfolio' input and every, single, time, I do not put my portfolio information on there. Why do I not do that?

I love to write. Like, it really is one of my favorite things for me to type on the keyboard, here the keys press down (although I thought I would really like this new mechanical keyboard and it is not really by favorite...its a little too loud) and just type away. I can't quite put my finger on what it is about writing that is so satisfying to me but I think writing just feels like the creative medium that I can put something into the world and just let it be. Right or wrong, although I try to share wisdom and not just babble on, it is enjoyable to type out a thousand words and just send it off to the inter-webs and let it live to maybe one day be discovered or just drift along the strange digital tied.

But honestly, one of the reasons that I do not put my personal portfolio down on there is that I do have one but I have not updated it since early 2021. I have not posted to it since early 2021. But I did write a lot of blog articles in a notion database. I also wrote pretty consistently on Dev.to for about a month (I was close to and article per day). But I always want to have it love somewhere that is my space, no not Myspace, but a space that I own.

But yet, here I am, using hashnode. Why? Well the problem always comes down to, for me, do I really want to write everything in .md or .mdx files. There is nothing wrong with that and sometimes it is quite enjoyable. However, I do enjoy a rich text editor experience. Yet, it seems like I find one, or spin up a service (like a keystonejs application), I use it for a while and then I try to build out my personal portoflio again and reference those blog posts and it is just not what I thought it was going to be.

Is this a rant? I don't know but I do know that I am not alone in this. The hamster wheel of creating a portfolio to be what you or I want it to be is ludicrous.

So I have turned to hashnode. The primary reason is that it seems like it is going to provide me what I want and need. I want to have all of my articles posted on my personal site but I truly love a good text editor experience. So 1) cheers to hashnode and 2) here's too hoping that this continues and that I don't go shopping in another 3 months for something different.

**Random Thought for the Day **- I want an Unsplash but for svg images. There are so many awesome svg's living on the web that if we had someway to add it as a plugin to a website, I would cry tears of joy.

What are you excited for in tech? Right now there are many things I am excited for when it comes to using different technologies. I have been absolutely in love with Remix Run these past few months.

I will right a blog on that at some point. But today, I am excited for this idea of a 'Minimum Spanning Stack'. This comes from Shawn Wang, @swyx on twitter. He posted this idea a few weeks ago I believe and I have thought non-stop about the benefits of a what this could mean for developers and businesses.

I will write another blog post soon on this. But suffice it for now to just have the thought and meditate on it, 'What would it look like for you to choose technologies to use, that are sound/solid, and stick with them, regardless of the new shiny thing that comes out?

Till next time,
