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Two Forms of Pre-rendering

November 20, 2020

*I left both this post and the 'Static Generation v.s Server-side Rendering' post because personally, they are fascinating.

Note: This is originally a pre-rendered blog post from Next JS. I have added my own thoughts at the end of this blog

Next.js has two forms of pre-rendering: Static Generation and Server-side Rendering. The difference is in when it generates the HTML for a page.

  • Static Generation is the pre-rendering method that generates the HTML at build time. The pre-rendered HTML is then reused on each request.
  • Server-side Rendering is the pre-rendering method that generates the HTML on each request.

Importantly, Next.js lets you choose which pre-rendering form to use for each page. You can create a "hybrid" Next.js app by using Static Generation for most pages and using Server-side Rendering for others.

Static Generation is pretty incredible. In the the coding bootcamp that I just finished, this was one of the problems we faced as our apps became more and more complex, that of page loading/data fetching. Static Generation makes this so quick and clean campared to having to load the HTML every time. It is a very nice feature of any app/website, especially when it is your own, when navigating to a different page is quick by design. It provides a much nicer user experience.